Letter from our Interim Moderator September 2024
To members and all living within the bounds of the parish of St Ayle.
As intimated at the congregational meeting held after worship on Sunday, 15th September, there are the following issues to note:
1 There was a meeting in Cellardyke of representatives of the congregations, with the Interim Moderators, of Pittenweem and St Ayle on Tuesday 17th September, 2024.
2. This meeting was a good discussion which shared ideas, fears, concerns and issues from both parties in a constructive and harmonious way.
3. A further meeting to discuss and reflect on a possible Basis of Union and the logistics, challenges and possibilities of union of the congregations will be held in October in Pittenweem.
4. Proposals were made at the meeting on the 17th September for joint services between the two congregations as part of the essential creation of understanding between the members of both congregations. Dates of these services will be agreed by both Kirk Sessions in due course.
5. At present Crail Kirk Session have declined to participate in the discussions about union. They had a meeting with the Presbytery Clerk on Monday, 16th September. The elders of Crail have now agreed to consider what options might be best for the future of Crail Parish in the implementation of the Fife Presbytery Mission Plan.
6. The Crail Kirk Session wished to express to St Ayle and Pittenweem the good wishes of the Elders of Crail for the discussions of Pittenweem and St Ayle.
7. At the Congregational meeting on Sunday, 15th September, the members were informed that, if the processes of negotiation were successful, they would take time to be enacted. While it is hoped that a union might be achieved in 2025, this could not be guaranteed. The Kirk Session has, since the meeting on Sunday, reaffirmed the willingness of St Ayle to enter union and allow the congregation to move forward towards the important step of being able to call a minister to the parish as specified in the Presbytery Mission Plan.
8. A commitment was given by the Interim Moderator that the membership will be kept informed of any and all developments and invited to pray for the negotiations and processes which were about to commence.
Nigel J Robb ( Revd)
Interim Moderator of Crail linked with St Ayle
Wednesday 18th September, 2024.