Dear friends
One of the great pleasures for me since coming here has been appreciating the willingness of folk to use what is in their hands to further God's work in our midst. In these different times of being church in the community, we are going forward in faith and hope.
And recently that has included releasing the St Ayle puppets out of their sabbatical, and now they are well and truly on the move! Before coming here, I had just seen a picture of them in the parish profile. Now these last few weeks have made me realise just what a loved and appreciated part of the church community they are.
So the news is that the St Ayle puppets are now online, and there are a number of short films of them on our church's YouTube channel. Our hope is that a number of local and not so local schools will use these short videos before they break for the Christmas holidays. We are very thankful for all the hard work that has gone in to making these films, and give our grateful thanks to Rev Douglas Creighton, who was inducted in October as parish minister to East Neuk Trinity l/w St Monans. Douglas filmed the puppets, and they can be seen and heard on the Crail & St Ayle Church of Scotland YouTube channel, and the links are also below.
Their song list includes 'Precious child' which was featured on the BBC Scotland Reflections on the Quay recently.
So do please listen and look at what the puppets are saying to us in this Christmas season. And please pray that their lively and wonderful message will find its way into many hearts near and far. As they say themselves: 'Don't stop praising, our God is amazing'.
So may we know and see the wondrous story coming afresh into our hearts this Christmas.
Best wishes to you all.
Rev John
Bethlehem Rhapsody https://youtu.be/EmCoAGxSG0I.
We three camels. https://youtu.be/PyNBAeksL-Y
Precious child. https://youtu.be/pFSe5IHPoxE
All around the world. https://youtu.be/pBVAYjT2Raw
Don't stop praising https://youtu.be/WeFfIBID3UY
Mary's baby. https://youtu.be/2V-3KxUjIuY
Christmas isn't Christmas https://youtu.be/VsyE0uHuPtY